White Lotus is an American television series that aired on HBO in 2021. The series features an ensemble cast, and while there is no single protagonist, the deuteragonist can be interpreted as a character named Tanya McQuoid, portrayed by Jennifer Coolidge.
Tanya McQuoid is a wealthy and recently widowed woman who is struggling to come to terms with her husband's death and her own sense of purpose. She is initially presented as a somewhat shallow and self-absorbed character, but as the series progresses, she becomes more complex and sympathetic. Tanya's storyline intersects with those of the other characters, particularly Belinda (portrayed by Natasha Rothwell), with whom she forms an unlikely friendship.
While other characters in White Lotus could also be considered deuteragonists, Tanya's story arc is one of the most prominent and memorable in the series, and her character is given significant screen time and development.
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